Monday, August 11, 2008

Fall Fashion

Fall means one thing: wardrobe overhaul time! Wonderful! I am looking for inspiration on the internet and I will post as many of my findings as I can!

This look is just too adorable. I am loving the plain t + jean look this fall.

To be honest, even this look is kinda catchy. If the baggy jean comes back we all have Kaiti Holmes to thank (or throw things at).

Why my husband deserves a salary.....

Marriage should be done out of the goodness of one's heart without expectation of compensation, but sometimes I think Jeff deserves a little moo-lah for what he has to put up with.

Case and point, my anniversary poem for him:

We drive each other crazy,
We make each other smile,
One year ago today,
We both walked down the aisle.

A man who can put up with love poems like that deserves an award.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


So lately I have realized that commercials seem to be including IQ tests or at least "intelligence" tests.

The subway IQ tests that get you to do the "which is missing?", "which got switched?", and "finish this pattern."

Then there is the "You could win $100000000 if you text the answer to this question to 555-takeyourmoneyandrun" (or some such shenanigans.)

So where do I fall?

Well I fail the subway test EVERY TIME. It honestly takes me until the tenth time I see the commercial to get it. So I suck at those.

BUT I nail to the "answer this question" every time. Such as finish this fruit: a _ p _e. I got those managed.

So I am in between subway and text scam IQ. Where do you lie?

How I blog.

Anyone who has ever experienced the joy of being blissfully unemployed and left to their own devices for a summer has probably fallen into the same trap as me. Now it has been a problem for a while now, and they say it is best to just fess up to problems so here I go.

I have become addicted to Cosmo TV and I watch 1 hour of sex and the city every day.

It gets worse.

Whenever I am blogging I secretly pretend to be Carrie writing her column. I sometimes even wear questionable clothing and ask myself questions with a philosophical tone. Does sharing something with someone reveal more to them or to yourself? (Okay so that could only scarcely be defined as "philosophical" but I said it in the right tone looking out my window!)

So there, I have come straight out with it and accepted it. I am a SATC Carrie Blogger Wannabe.


Friday, August 1, 2008

Circular story

Sometimes at work you just need to let off a little creative energy.

The following sometimes ensues.

Jason: we should break into their homes and kidnap them and then leave them in a ditch somewhere
that would be cool eh?
me: cool like a rusty axe
Jason: ... in the freezer ...
me: .... in a zoo basement ....
Jason: ... tied to a bag of nails that are also rusty ...
me: .. with a history of evil use...
Jason: like building ugly homes
me: for tobacco plantation owners
Jason: who have siphilis
me: and who refuse to acknowledge the outcome of the civil war
Jason: and sell peaches at a grossly inflated rate
me: because their favourite voodoo lady told them to
Jason: the same voodoo lady that invented American Idol
me: and who directs kanye west videos
Jason: and doesn't wash her hands after using the bathroom
me: much to the disgust of her pet parrot "Cracker"
Jason: Who repeats all of her racial slurs in public
me: in an east indian accent that she acquired during her recent stay
Jason: in my basement tied to a rusty axe and some rusty nails
me: *and SCENE!!

Confusing Voicemail

Me: "Did you leave a message on my answering machine?"
You: "Ha ha, I never left a message."
Me: "Well then we may have a problem. Someone is calling my house and leaving messages that sound just like you leaving messages."
Hee Hee. Jeff laughed and laughed. Sometimes xkcd is just golden.