Wednesday, February 17, 2010

hot cup of *

it was only this morning on a delightfully warm snowy day, sitting in the local breakfast nook with a long missed friend, that I was reminded of the importance of a hot cup of *.

(as a bit of an FYI, * is a computer short hand meaning "anything". computer scientists use it when searching such as, template* to find any file starting with template. a little unusual for a style blog, but I thought it was especially fitting. in this context it means hot cups of anything, cider, tea, coffee, lattes, or water.)

nothing in the whole world compares to grasping warm morning goodness with two hands in your favourite mug.

imagine my reaction to the serendipitous event of being introduced to Sandra Juto on the same day. her photographic style is refreshing and I can't get enough of the hot cups of * she features. expect to see more of her photographs featured here.

special thanks to Pine and Lord for bringing her talent to my attention. welcome back to the blogosphere my friend. ;)

1 comment:

Michelle said...


...I wanted to just leave the happy face but blogger won't let me.